Jurnal Ruang Luar dan Dalam 2025-01-25T15:24:18+07:00 Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Ruang Luar dan Dalam FTSP (Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan), Institut Sains dan Teknologi TD Pardede, ini merupakan salah satu media publikasi penelitian yang menambah deretan jurnal disiplin ilmu sains dan teknologi pada umumnya, dan untuk jurusan Arsitektur, Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota atau Planologi serta Desain Interior pada khususnya, dan diharapkan mampu menjadi media pemicu untuk menambah karya penulisan, serta menjadikan media ini salah satu penyebaran perkembangan informasi sains dan teknologi terbaru kepada masyarakat luas.</p> EVALUASI GEOMETRI JALAN ANGKUT BATUBARA DARI FRONT MENUJU STOCKROM DI PT. CAHAYA RIAU MANDIRI JOB SITE DUTA ALAM SUMATERA KABUPATEN LAHAT PROVINSI SUMATERA SELATAN 2025-01-24T16:05:16+07:00 andreassolavidendraha ardiansyaputra <p>PT. Cahaya Riau Mandiri, a coal mining company located in Lahat Regency, South Sumatra Province, conducted research at the High Wall site of PT. Duta Alam Sumatera. The coal mining system used is surface mining (open pit). The loading equipment used in coal transportation is a Komatsu PC 400 Excavator. The distance from the mining front to the StockROM is ± 1,700 meters. The standard road width on a straight path is 9.75 meters, the standard road width on a curve is 15.72 meters, the standard road slope is 8%, the standard cross slope ranges from 39 cm – 53.6 cm, and the standard superelevation is 0.16 – 0.19 meters. Road geometry improvements were made as follows: For straight road widths on segments C-D and J-K, widening was carried out by ± 7 meters, and for road widths on curves on segments E-F, H-I, I-J, K-L widening was carried out by ± 2-8 meters. The cross slope on each segment on the Front-A segment was raised by 0.17 meters, segment B-C was raised by 0.34 meters, segment C-D was raised by 0.19 meters, segment D-E was raised by 0.9 meters, segment F-G was lowered by - 0.41 meters, segment J-K lowered by - 0.15 meters, so it is necessary to improve the cross slope. Superelevation on segment A-B needs to increase superelevation by 0.04 m, segment G-H needs to reduce superelevation by -0.43 m, segment H-I needs to increase superelevation by 0.02 m, segment I-J needs to reduce superelevation by -0.05 m, segment K-L needs to reduce superelevation by -0.03 m. Road maintenance was also carried out using a grader. The average productivity of the Mercedes-Benz Axor 2528 CH dump truck is 100.467 tons/month with a production target of 120,000 tons/month.</p> 2024-10-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ruang Luar dan Dalam EVALUASI PRODUK AGGLOMERASI (AGGLOMERATION PRODUCT) DENGAN METODE KAPPES PERCOLATION TEST PT. BUMI SUKSESINDO TUJUH BUKIT OPERATION BANYUWANGI JAWA TIMUR 2025-01-24T16:20:43+07:00 Asian Monn Sitompul Christina Tambunan <p>The agglomeration process occurs in the Ore Preparation Plant process section using an Agglomerator Drum, rocks originating from oxide ore that have been mined in the Pit are transported by the mining department and then crushed to obtain the optimal ore size, which is 38 - 75 mm. Then, the ore will be agglomerated with a binder in the form of cement and water which functions to bind ore particles that are too small so that a clump of ore is formed. In addition, the addition of cement is done to increase the pH of the ore. To determine the need for the right level of binder in various metallurgical laboratories, the Kappes Percolation Test can be carried out. The Kappes Percolation Test is also used as quality control of heap leach operations. This test has been developed since 1986 as a preparation step for stacking. There are several important properties obtained from the percolation test, some of which are as follows, Slump Percentage, Tapped slump percentage, Percolation Volume, Percolation Time, Percolation Rate, pH solution, and Percolation rate is a minimum of 10,000 l/m2/hr. so that permeation takes place properly so that an optimal pregnant leaching solution can be obtained, and the minimum pH solution is 10.5 which serves to bind CN- in the leaching process because CN- cannot be bound to ore at a low pH. At low pH, HCN gas can form which is dangerous for Heap Leaching Operation (HLO) workers. To obtain optimal permeation, it is also necessary to pay attention to the water content or moisture content of the agglomerate to be tested. The moisture content of the agglomerate required is 10 - 12% if it is too dry or lower than the parameter then permeation cannot run optimally because the solution will be absorbed without seeping down while if it is too wet or higher it can cause pounding. In the percolation test process, tapping is done which</p> 2024-10-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ruang Luar dan Dalam EVALUASI GEOMETRI JALAN ANGKUT PADA PENGUPASAN OVERBURDEN MENUJU DISPOSAL DI PIT MAHAYUNG 1 PADA PT BUKIT ASAM Tbk SUMATERA SELATAN 2025-01-24T16:41:36+07:00 Ervando Parulian Marbun Limsuiking Sinaga <p>Road geometry in the transportation of overburden material in mines refers to the design and construction of roads used to move non-valuable materials from mining areas to designated disposal or storage areas. This involves considerations such as slope, road width and road curvature to ensure efficiency and safety in the transportation process. On mining roads, damage to the road body is often found, such as potholes and the road surface is not smooth. This is caused by several parts of the road experiencing subsidence and the presence of stagnant air on the haul road. Apart from these problems, the relatively narrow condition of the road results in queues for the transport equipment used, and there are several parts of the road that have a steep slope. In this research the author discusses road geometry including: observing straight roads, width at bends, grade, superelevation and cross fall for all geometric segments into 20 segments, of which there are 10 segments in straight road conditions and 10 segments in open road conditions. Every geometric parameter of the haul road observed does not have a good standard, therefore improvements need to be made so that the Overburden transport material can run well and smoothly so that the production target can be achieved. The results of the calculation of the productivity of transportation equipment which have been obtained from theoretical calculations for the HD 785 transportation equipment with hull number 4220 are 308.96 Bcm/month, and for the productivity of the HD 785 transportation equipment with hull number 4238 it is 313.35 Bcm/month. So these results have not been able to reach the monthly production targets set by the research team. This has an impact on the geometry of the mining roads in the research because at the research location there are still several segment haul roads that do not meet the standards.</p> 2024-10-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ruang Luar dan Dalam EVALUASI KINERJA ALAT GALI MUAT DAN ALAT ANGKUT UNTUK MENCAPAI TARGET PRODUKSI PENGUPASAN OVERBURDEN DI PIT UTARA PT. BARA PRIMA PRATAMA, JOBSITE BATU AMPAR, KABUPATEN INDRAGIRI HILIR, PROVINSI RIAU 2025-01-24T16:49:59+07:00 M. Wira Susanto Siagian Nur Anisa <p>PT. Bara Prima Pratama is a coal mining company located in Riau Province. In the mining activities, the main excavation and transportation equipment used by the company at the Batu Ampar Jobsite in the North Pit includes 2 units of Doosan DX 800 LCA HD excavators, 2 units of Doosan DX 500 LCA HD excavators, and 1 unit of Caterpillar 345 excavator. For transportation, they use a Volvo FMX440 and a Hino FM260 JD dump truck. PT. Bara Prima Pratama at the Batu Ampar Jobsite has set a target for overburden stripping production in the North Pit at 691,900 bcm per month, while the actual overburden stripping production in the North Pit for February 2024 was 434,687.4 bcm. The realization data leads to the conclusion that the overburden stripping production in the North Pit for February 2024 did not meet the company's target. Therefore, to meet the production target for overburden, it is necessary to improve the match factor by adding transport equipment, in order to minimize waiting time for loading equipment.</p> 2024-10-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ruang Luar dan Dalam PENGARUH POLA PENUMPUKAN DAN TINGGINYA TUMPUKAN BATUBARA TERHADAP POTENSI TERJADINYA PEMBAKARAN SPONTAN 2025-01-24T17:02:22+07:00 Nurlaili Nursetya Yusika Panjaitan <p>PT PLN UPK Nagan Raya is located in Suak Puntong village, Kuala Pesisir sub-district, Nagan Raya district, NAD. PT PLN UPK Nagan Raya is a company engaged in the PLTU industry which uses coal as the main fuel. The coal used in PT PLN UPK Nagan Raya comes from the companies PT Bukit Asam and PT Tiga Daya Energi. Due to the very large PLTU needs, the need for a large volume storage area, PT PLN UPK Nagan Raya has a stockpile with an area of 21,852 m2. Using the FIFO (first in first out) stacking method with Chevcon (truncated pyramid) and Chevron (cone) stacking patterns. Chevcon stacking area is 1181.4 m2 with a base length of 53.7 m, base width of 22 m, stack height of 8 m and stack volume of 3,825.86 m3, while Chevron stacking area is 3,120.9 m2 with a width of 63.5 m, height of 8 m, and stack volume of 8,322.48 m3. Coal piles are routinely checked for temperature every day, with heights of 2 meters, 4 meters and 6 meters. The chevron stacking pattern has a higher temperature than the chevcon stacking pattern. The average temperature of the chevcon pile with a height of 2 meters is 42.3˚C, a height of 4 meters is 47.1˚C and a height of 6 meters is 48.2˚C. While the temperature of the chevron stacking pattern with a height of 2 meters is 47˚C, the height of 4 meters is 50˚C and the height of 6 meters is 51.3˚C. With an average daily temperature of 29.9˚C. In coal piles, routine temperature checks are carried out, in coal piles there is a significant increase in temperature from the first day of accumulation with an initial temperature of 34˚C and the highest temperature in the pile is 59˚C. Coal piles that have spontaneous combustion have a temperature of 312˚C. Spontaneous combustion is triggered by the fire triangle, namely heat, air and fuel, not only these three elements can trigger spontaneous combustion but also the quality of coal</p> 2024-10-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ruang Luar dan Dalam PROSES MIXING BATUBARA GUNA MEMENUHI PARAMETER KUALITAS BATUBARA YANG DIBUTUHKAN DI PLTU NAGAN RAYA 2 X 110 MW 2025-01-24T17:12:03+07:00 Radifa Saffara Rama Josua Sigalingging <p>Nagan Raya Regency is one of the new regencies in Aceh Province. Geographically, Nagan Raya Regency. Nagan Raya PLTU operates a power plant with a capacity of 2 x 110 MW to support the electricity needs of the community. Coal production and consumption in Indonesia will be increased, especially as fuel. Nagan Raya PLTU is a steam power plant company. This study aims to determine the value of coal parameters before and after mixing. To conduct laboratory testing, the ASTM D2013/D2013M preparation procedure - 21 standard practice for preparing coal samples for analysis was carried out, previously and then the proximate, ultimate, and calorie testing procedures were carried out in the laboratory. The mixing results using the moisture value statistical method were 17.18% while the boiler specifications were 35% from the moisture value statistical results below the boiler standard that met the boiler standard, it was concluded that the low moisture value had a good impact on the boiler because if the moisture value was low, the heat generated would increase. And the mixing results using the statistical method the ash value is 6.36% while the boiler specification the ash value is 6% from the statistical results the ash value is higher than the boiler specification, it can be concluded that the higher the ash content, the higher the boiler efficiency value. This ash is very susceptible to air pollution levels and causes acid rain which causes rust on equipment.</p> 2024-10-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ruang Luar dan Dalam EVALUASI PENGARUH GEOMETRI JALAN ANGKUT TERHADAP PRODUKTIVITAS DARI PIT PURNAMA MENUJU CRUSHER PLANT DI TAMBANG EMAS MARTABE, PROVINSI SUMATERA UTARA 2025-01-24T17:22:44+07:00 Reza Yuditstian Reza Abdilah <p>The geometry of roads in transporting materials in mines refers to the design and construction of the roads used to move materials to the specified crusher. This involves considerations such as slope, road width and road curvature to ensure efficiency and safety in the transport process. On mining roads, damage to the road body is often found, such as potholes and the road surface is not smooth. This is caused by several parts of the road experiencing subsidence and water standing on the haul road. Apart from these problems, the relatively narrow condition of the road results in queues for the transport equipment used, and there are several parts of the road that have a steep slope. In this research the author discusses road geometry including: observing straight roads, width at bends, grade, superelevation and crossfall for all geometric segments divided into 23. Where the final ramp road has 11 segments and the akses road has 12 segments. Every geometric parameter of the haul road that has been observed does not have a good standard and therefore needs to be improved so that material transport can run smoothly and well so that production targets can be achieved. The results of the productivity calculation of the conveyance which have been obtained from theoretical calculations for the ADT A60H conveyance are 745.82 Bcm/hour. So these results have not been able to achieve the monthly production targets set by the company. This has an impact on the geometry of the mining roads in the company because at the research location there are still several segment haul roads that do not meet standards.</p> 2024-10-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ruang Luar dan Dalam ANALISA PRODUKSI ALAT GALI MUAT DAN ALAT ANGKUT PADA PENGUPASAN OVERBURDEN DI PT. BUKIT ASAM TBK, DESA TANJUNG ENIM, KECAMATAN LAWANG KIDUL, KABUPATEN MUARA ENIM, PROVINSI SUMATERA SELATAN 2025-01-24T17:32:25+07:00 Yogi Aguatian Sinaga Wilson S Pardosi <p>PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Pit Tambng Air Laya (TAL) had an overburden production target in February 2024 of 1,220,000 BCM, and achieved 751,420.20 BCM. Referring to the data that researchers took in the field, the production level should be 757,773.02 BCM. To increase production, researchers made improvements to the time constraints that can be avoided and obtained production of 784,761.02 BCM and have not yet reached the production target set by the company. To be able to achieve the next production target, the addition of 21 units of conveyance was carried out and production became 1,225,798.51 BCM and has reached the production target, as a result match factor of excavation equipment and conveyance changed from an average of 0.75 to an average of 1.18.</p> 2024-10-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ruang Luar dan Dalam ANALISIS KUAT TEKAN UNIAKSIAL PADA BATU TUFA MENGGUNAKAN POINT LOAD INDEX UNTUK MENENTUKAN ROCK MASS RATING DAN SLOPE MASS RATING 2025-01-24T17:39:16+07:00 Sepri Sihite Hizkia Simangunsong <p>Sibolangit Village and its surroundings are hilly areas so they are prone to landslides, especially on the slopes of Jalan Jamin Ginting km 37-39 which leads to Brastagi city. This research uses a point load test or Point Load Index as a laboratory test to determine rock mechanics. This research aims to determine the compressive strength values, slope geometry, Rock Mass Rating classification, and Slope Mass Rating. This research method is Rock Mass Rating, a rock mass classification to determine the quality of the rock mass with 5 parameters, namely, rock compressive strength, Rock Quality Designation (RQD), joint spacing, joint condition, ground water condition. This RMR value is a classification of the Slope Mass Rating, the dip direction of the slope surface (αs), the dip direction of the discontinuity plane (αj), the slope angle of the slope (βs), and the slope angle of the discontinuity plane (βj). The results of Point Load Index testing on slope 1 have 8 rock samples with an average PLI (Is) of 0.486 Mpa and uniaxial compressive strength (σc) of 11.17 Mpa. On slope 2 there are 5 samples, the average value of PLI (Is) is 2 MPa, and the uniaxial compressive strength (σc) is 49 MPa. The geometry results for slope 1 obtained a height of 6.1 meters and slope 2 obtained a height of 7.045 meters. Rock Mass Rating results for slope 1 with a score of 32 and rock mass class IV with a poor description, and for slope 2 with a score of 62 and rock mass class II with a good description. Slope Mass Rating results for slope 1 in segment 1 where the potential for rolling landslides is 87.50%, in segment 2 the potential for rolling landslides is 71.43%, and in segment 3 the potential for wedge landslides is 80.00%. The results of the Slope Mass Rating for slope 2 will have a potential for rolling avalanches of 42.86%.</p> 2024-10-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ruang Luar dan Dalam ANALISIS KUAT TEKAN BATUAN TUFA DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN PENGUJIAN POINT POINT LOAD INDEX 2025-01-24T17:46:37+07:00 Arif Rahman Harahap Elbert Gianendra Rumapea <p>This research is an activity to determine one of the mechanical properties, namely rock strength (σc). Point Load Index is an index test carried out to predict the UCS value of a rock indirectly in the field. In the experimental research that will be carried out in the laboratory which aims to analyze the uniaxial compressive strength of tuff rock with a point load test with a block-shaped and irregular sample (Irregular). the results of the analysis of the compressive strength of tuff rock on the slope components of the landslide in Sibolangit Village which were tested in the laboratory with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI 2814: 1992) and also analyzed with (ISRM 1985). The uniaxial compressive strength value based on the Point load Index test of the beam sample with the SNI 2814: 1992 equation analysis is 19.46 Mpa while based on the ISRM: 1985 equation analysis is a minimum of 17.53 MPa and a maximum of 21.91 MPa. The uniaxial compressive strength value based on the Point load Index test of the irregular sample with the SNI 2814: 1992 equation analysis is 11.36 Mpa while based on the ISRM: 1985 equation analysis is a minimum of 10.33 MPa and a maximum of 12.83 MPa. From the point load index test that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the factors that affect the test result value are the test loading speed and the size of the rock sample being tested. Where if the loading speed is increased, the test value will increase and from the sample size it shows that a smaller sample size will produce a larger value.</p> 2024-10-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ruang Luar dan Dalam PENGARUH PERUBAHAN HARGA BATUBARA TERHADAP RANCANGAN PIT LIMIT DI PT.PENGEMBANGAN INVESTASI RIAU 2025-01-24T17:53:48+07:00 Liswen One May Lumban Tobing Adven P Simatupang <p>PT. Riau Investment Development (PT.PIR) is now carrying out mining activities in the West Pit of Block A of PT.PIR. This research aims to find appropriate mining boundaries and provide the best profits in the West Pit of Block A of PT.PIR. The BESR calculation method itself can be used as a benchmark for creating new pit designs so that they produce good profits. This research itself uses quantitative methods and uses Break Even Stripping Ratio calculations which can be found by looking for the selling price of coal, total coal production costs and total overburden removal costs. For the Pit, the initial design of the PT. PIR company had an SR of 1:5.39 with coal reserves of 1,724,000 tons. And the net profit for this design is IDR 66,369,707,988 with a BESR value of 1.50. The ultimate pit limit design itself has an SR value of 1:6.40 with existing coal reserves of 1,210,000 tons and a BESR value of 0.46.</p> 2024-10-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ruang Luar dan Dalam PERANCANGAN COFFEESHOP DI KOTA MEDAN DENGAN TEMA JAPANDI 2025-01-24T18:12:12+07:00 Michelle Theresia Anggreni <p>The increase in coffee consumption in Indonesia continues to increase every year, this means that the number of coffeeshops also increases every year. Coffeeshop are places that people often to visit to hang out with friends or family. Therefore, a coffeeshop is needed with an interior theme and comfortable furniture for visitors. What will be discussed in this writing is the design of a coffeeshop using a Japandi theme. Japandi is a combination of Japanese and Scandinavian, which uses neutral and soft colors, as well as the use of natural materials for furniture.</p> 2024-10-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ruang Luar dan Dalam