Jurnal Teknologi, Informasi dan Industri http://ejurnal.istp.ac.id/index.php/jtii <p>Jurnal Teknologi, Informasi dan Industri adalah Jurnal ilmiah sebagai wadah publikasi tentang teknologi, informasi dan industri yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Teknologi Industri. Jurnal ini diterbitkan dengan tujuan menjadi wadah akademisi dan praktisi. Secara khusus Jurnal Teknologi, Informasi dan Industri menerima artikel ilmiah terkait perkembangan pemanfaatan Teknologi berupa Sistem Informasi bagi dunia industri di Segala bidang fungsional manajemen perusahaan.</p> en-US Jurnal Teknologi, Informasi dan Industri PERANCANGAN SISTEM PELACAK KEBERADAAN KENDARAAN YANG DICURI MENGGUNAKAN TELEGRAM DAN GPS BERBASIS NODEMCU http://ejurnal.istp.ac.id/index.php/jtii/article/view/344 <p><em>A device for tracking the whereabouts of two-wheeled vehicles has been designed using a telegram network and a NodeMCU-based GPS module. This tool is one way to track the whereabouts of stolen two-wheeled vehicles. The materials and components needed to design this tool are the NodeMCU V3 microcontroller, NEO6MV2 module, DC to DC converter module, Android cellphone, and laptop. The NodeMCU V3 microcontroller functions as a CPU and Wi-Fi, the NEO6MV2 module functions as a transceiver, the DC to DC converter module functions to set the 5 volt voltage exactly where the circuit is needed, the Android cellphone functions to receive the whereabouts of motorbikes via the BotFather telegram network, the laptop functions to program the tool. which was designed using the Arduino Uno application program. Testing and discussion of a two-wheeled vehicle tracking device using a telegram network and a NodeMCU-based GPS module has functioned in detecting the presence of motorbikes in open areas. If you're indoors, it still takes quite a long time to connect to the satellite.</em></p> Adven Padang Kolombus Siringo-ringo Melva Pangaribuan Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Teknologi, Informasi dan Industri 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 4 1 01 10 PERANCANGAN SISTEM KENDALI SAKLAR ON OFF KELISTRIKAN MESIN SEPEDA MOTOR JARAK JAUH MELALUI SMS http://ejurnal.istp.ac.id/index.php/jtii/article/view/345 <p><em>The crime of motorbike theft / robbery is increasingly frightening because it causes property casualties and even fatalities. Taking this into account, the authors designed a tool that can turn off the engine and activate the motorcycle alarm when parked. And can also turn off the engine and activate the motorcycle alarm when the thief or robber is taken away remotely via SMS. The control device turns off the motorcycle's electrical power supply remotely and activates the security alarm via SMS using the Arduino Uno module and programming, SIM800L module, relay module, and mobile phone. The Arduino Uno module and programming functions as the CPU, the SIM800L module functions as a place for SIM cards and transceivers, the relay module functions as a circuit breaker and connector, and the Hand Phone functions as a sender of control signals and receives security alarm information via the SMS network. Testing of the design results of the tool has been able to turn off the engine and activate the motorcycle security alarm by sending the On command via SMS. Turn on and turn off the motorcycle security alarm by sending the Off command via SMS.</em></p> Sucipto Marvin F. S. Hutabarat Melva Pangaribuan Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Teknologi, Informasi dan Industri 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 4 1 11 20 ANALISIS PENENTUAN UPAH INSENTIF BERDASARKAN PRESTASI KERJA PADA STASIUN PENGUPASAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE HALSEY DI PT. AGROSARI SENTRAPRIMA http://ejurnal.istp.ac.id/index.php/jtii/article/view/346 <p>PT Agrosari Sentra Prima merupakan sebuah perusahaan swasta yang bergerak dibidang pengolahan pengalengan buah, yang terutama pengalengan buah nenas, PT Agrosari Sentra Prima berlokasi dijalan Marindal I Dusun X Kecamatan Patumbak Medan. Untuk mencapai pangsa pasar yang luas perlu dilakukanya produktivitas yang tinggi. Salah satu factor produktivitas yaitu dengan menentukan upah pekerja, upah yang sesuai akan memotivasi karyawan untuk bekerja yang lebih baik yaitu dengan memberikan upah insentif.</p> <p>Upah insentif adalah merupakan upah tambahan yang diberikan kepada pekerja yang mampu memenuhi atau melampui standard kerja yang telah ditentukan dengan kata lain upah insentif diberikan kepada pekerja yang berprestasi. Apabila pekerja yang tidak berprestasi tidak diberikannya upah insentif pekerja hanya mendapatkan upah dasar saja. Penentuan upah insentif dilakukan dengan menggunakan <em>Metode Halsey</em>.Dengan diberikannya upah perasang maka produksi akan meningkat, pekerja akan lebih baik lagi (termotivasi)dalam menjalankan tanggung jawab pekerjaannya, PT. Agrosari Sentraprima selama ini tidak adanya pemberian upah insentif kepada karyawan, kecuali dibagian pemasaran.</p> <p>Dari hasil analisa ternyata, para pekerja bekerja diatas standard perusahaan (target) yang telah ditetapkan dan ini berarti pekerjanya cukup baik.</p> Johan Pillyang Omry Pangaribuan Jeremia Siregar Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Teknologi, Informasi dan Industri 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 4 1 21 29 MENDETEKSI STRESS KARYAWAN DALAM LINGKUNGAN PEKERJAAN PADA PT. MITRA AGUNG SAWITA SEJATI http://ejurnal.istp.ac.id/index.php/jtii/article/view/347 <p><em>PT. Mitra Agung Sawita Sejati is a company operating in the manufacturing industry, namely a company that produces Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and palm kernel for industrial purposes in various shapes and sizes.In carrying out production activities on the production floor, employees involved are required to be able to work well and correctly so that undesirable things can be avoided, such as work accidents, decreased quality of the products produced and so on. The purpose of conducting research is to identify symptoms of stress that arise from within oneself and from the work environment and measure the level of stress experienced.Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires made based on existing research variables and distributed to production employees (especially section heads, supervisors and team heads) at PT. Mitra Agung Sawita Sejati. Data processing is carried out by processing the data statistically, namely by calculating the weight of each questionnaire.After the analysis was carried out, the results obtained were that the majority of respondents experienced stress that came from within themselves and those who experienced stress in the work environment.</em></p> Ferry Andrean Hutabarat Rasmi Sitohang Rosmawaty Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Teknologi, Informasi dan Industri 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 4 1 30 34 PERSEPSI KARYAWAN TERHADAP PROSES SELEKSI DAN PENEMPATAN KARYAWAN DI PT.MASUYA GRAHA TRIKENCANA http://ejurnal.istp.ac.id/index.php/jtii/article/view/348 <p><em>PT.Masuya Graha Trikencana merupakan perusahaan bergerak dibidang distribusi makanan dan minuman, dimana perusahaan ini berlokasi dijalan pulau batam No.1,sampali, Percut Sei Tuan, Kabupaten Deli Serdang,Sumatera Utara 20371.Pada awalnya perusahaan ini hanya beroperasi didaerah medan saja, Tetapi beberapa tahun kemudian perusahaan ini mulai berkembang dari Bekasi,Jogjakarta, Surabaya, Kemudian di Bali.Dalam bagan struktur organisasi PT.Masuya Graha Trikencana pimpinan terdiri dari Dewan Direksi, Untuk pelaksanaan operasi perusahaan,dibentuklah lima departemen utama yang masing-masing terdiri dari Finance and Accounnting, Purchasing, HRD,General,Marketing, dan MIS. Setelah dilakukan analisa perepsi karyawan terhadap proses seleksi dan penempatan karyawan maka didapat hasil bahwa penyeleksian surat lamaran yang memenuhi syarat adalah penting sehingga oleh pihak perusahaan hal ini dilaksanakan dengan baik faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi karyawan terhadap proses seleksi dan penempatan di PT.Masuya Graha Trikencana terbagi menjadi empat bagian yaitu Kuadran A, Kuadran B yang termasuk didalamnya adalah penyeleksian surat lamaran =1 Penyelenggaraan tes akademik = 2, Pengumuman hasil tes =5&nbsp; Wawancara oleh calon atasan = 6, Training setelah dinyatakan lulus = 12, Publisitas lowongan kerja = 15, Kuadran C dan Kuadran D menunjukkan bahwan atribut proses seleksi dan penempatan karyawan di PT.Masuya Graha Trikencana dinilai kurang penting oleh karyawan sedangkan pelaksanaannya baik.</em></p> Lukas Calvin Tampubolon Rasmi Sitohang Johana Sihol Marito Purba Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Teknologi, Informasi dan Industri 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 4 1 35 44 ANALISIS KEAMANAN PADA SISTEM INTERNET OF THINGS UNTUK PENGENDALIAN PERANGKAT ELEKTRONIK RUMAH TANGGA http://ejurnal.istp.ac.id/index.php/jtii/article/view/349 <p><em>Internet of Things (IoT) systems have become an integral part of our daily lives, especially in controlling electronic devices in the household. However, the rapid growth in IoT implementation has also brought various security challenges that need to be taken seriously. This thesis aims to carry out an in-depth analysis of the security of IoT systems used to control household electronic devices. This research explores various security risks that may occur in household IoT systems, including cyberattacks, data theft, and privacy violations. The author reviews the common vulnerabilities that exist in IoT devices and the communication protocols used. Additionally, this research also discusses best practices in securing IoT systems, including the use of strong authentication, data encryption, security monitoring, and regular software updates. This research methodology includes literature analysis, case studies, and experiments related to security in household IoT systems. The results of this research will provide a better understanding of the security risks associated with IoT and provide practical guidance for improving the security of home electronic device control systems. IoT security is critical to protecting user privacy and preventing potential harm that could be caused by cyberattacks. By increasing awareness and understanding of security issues in IoT systems, it is hoped that more reliable and safe solutions for controlling household electronic devices can be produced. This research is the first step in efforts to create a safer and more reliable IoT ecosystem in the future.</em></p> Eko Mutiha Patrio Siagian Jeremia Siregar Rikardo H. Siahaan Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Teknologi, Informasi dan Industri 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 4 1 45 53 IMPLEMENTASI ALGORITMA APRIORI DALAM MENENTUKAN POLA PEMBELIAN OBAT PADA APOTEK SETIA FARMA http://ejurnal.istp.ac.id/index.php/jtii/article/view/350 <p><em>This journal discusses the implementation of the Apriori algorithm as an analytical method in determining drug purchasing patterns at the Setia Farma Pharmacy. The main objective of this research is to identify the most common drug purchasing patterns in these pharmacies, with the hope of providing useful insights for pharmacy management in stock planning and product promotion. This research uses historical data on drug purchase transactions from the Setia Farma Pharmacy during April-June 2022. The research methodology involves several steps, including collecting transaction data, pre-processing the data to eliminate irrelevant or duplicate data, and implementing the Apriori algorithm to identify purchasing patterns significant. The analysis results from data mining using the a priori algorithm in this research are with a minimum support value of 15% and a confidence value of 30%. By building this system, it can help Setia Farma Pharmacy in making strategic decisions regarding stock management, product arrangement within the pharmacy, as well as more effective promotions. It is hoped that the results of this research will contribute to the understanding of customer purchasing behavior at the Setia Farma Pharmacy and provide a basis for improvements in stock management and marketing of medicines at the pharmacy.</em></p> Rayani Saeputri Simare-mare1 Jeremia Siregar Ruth Meivera Siburian Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Teknologi, Informasi dan Industri 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 4 1 54 60 PERANGKAT LUNAK APLIKASI PEMBELAJARAN FLOWCHART http://ejurnal.istp.ac.id/index.php/jtii/article/view/351 <p><em>flowchart</em> is a graphic depiction of the steps and procedural sequences of a program. <em>Flowcharts</em> help analysts and programmers to break down problems into smaller segments and help in analyzing other alternatives in operations. <em>Flowcharts</em> usually make it easier to solve a problem, especially problems that need further study and evaluation.This flowchart implementation learning software can help in understanding existing algorithms in displaying the process and stages in making flowcharts. This flowchart implementation learning software is capable of designing an object-based flowchart without the need to fill in the program code containing the instructions for each flowchart object. This flowchart implementation learning software also provides the objects needed to create a flowchart algorithm, making it easier for users to create a flowchart.</p> Agustinus Zalukhu Swingly Purba Dedi Darma Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Teknologi, Informasi dan Industri 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 4 1 61 70 MERANCANG JARINGAN LAB KOMPUTER DAN IMPLEMENTASI MANAJEMEN USER MENGGUNAKAN MIKROTIK http://ejurnal.istp.ac.id/index.php/jtii/article/view/352 <p><em>Computer networks are really needed especially in this day and age there are no events that do not use computer networks, one of which is a school. Observations were made to see what topology is currently used at the research location, namely SMA N 1 Luahagundre Maniamolo, while the literature method contains searching for information needed in research from books, journals, and internet search results. Internet bandwidth is often a problem in local networks, irregular distribution causes bandwidth traffic to fall apart and there are frequent incidents where users do not get the allotted bandwidth that is certainly needed to carry out their activities on the internet. Therefore, the authors aim to design a computer network using MikroTik which functions as a bandwidth controller, with each type of access, namely browsing, streaming, downloading and uploading. RB941-2nD-TC can be used to block the Facebook social network during school hours. The results of this research are that users can do activities on the internet comfortably according to their bandwidth allotment and prioritize it within the local network of SMA N 1 Luahagundre Maniamolo.</em></p> Ignasius Merdianus Laia Swingly Purba Rikardo Siahaan Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Teknologi, Informasi dan Industri 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 4 1 71 77 ANALISA KADAR AIR DAN KADAR KOTORAN INTI DI PABRIK KELAPA SAWIT AEK NABARA SELATAN PT. PERKEBUNAN NUSANTARA III http://ejurnal.istp.ac.id/index.php/jtii/article/view/78-86 <p><em>This research aims to determine the levels of free fatty acids (ALB), water content and levels of impurities in Palm Kernels and to find out whether the palm kernels have met the standards set by SNI at the South Aek Nabara PKS. This research was carried out at the Palm Oil Factory Laboratory of PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III PKS Aek Nabara Selatan. The samples used are palm kernels taken from Kernel Storage or storage warehouses. Analysis of free fatty acid levels was carried out using the acid base titration method using a standard 0.1 N KOH solution and TymPol blue indicator, the open oven method for water content analysis, and for analysis of dirt levels using the winnowing method or selected by hand.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; From the results of the research carried out, free fatty acid (ALB) levels can be obtained, namely 1.63%, 1.66%, 1.69% with an average of 1.66%. Water content analysis is 6.82%, 6.23%, 6.58% with an average of 6.54%. Meanwhile, the analysis of impurity levels was 5.9%, 5.7%, 5.8% with an average of 5.8%. The analysis results show that the quality of palm kernels at the PTPN III PKS Aek Nabara Selatan Palm Oil Factory is in accordance with the quality standards set by the company, namely for a maximum ALB of 2%, maximum water content of 7%, and maximum impurity content of 6%.</em></p> Dicky Kusdiandi Rosmawati Johana Sihol Marito Purba Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Teknologi, Informasi dan Industri 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 4 1